Tuesday, April 26, 2011

With this Ring, I Thee Wed . . .

A lady came through my register at Menards, screaming into her cell phone. She grumbled, "I'm at the register paying now, goodbye." She slammed her phone shut and said to me, "Never get married." 

This broke my heart...it was just a small picture of the shallow view of marriage that so many people have. Divorce rates have become ridiculously high. Children are growing up in broken homes, not having any good examples of committed, loving marriages. America's diminutive number of successful marriages is a very depressing thing to think about. Cheating has become a very common occurrence. It's now normal to just get "fed up" and walk out the door, leaving your spouse and family behind because that promise you made on your wedding day is no longer important. 

What is marriage to me? Marriage is a man and a woman who have joined together to love and cherish each other through the good and the bad; who have made a promise that will last an entire lifetime to be committed and loyal to one another, whether times are easy, pleasurable, and fun, or difficult, unpleasant, and frustrating. I am not yet married, so I obviously don't know what marriage is like, or how hard it is. But I have spoken with many married couples and have learned very much from them. Someone recently told Aaron and me that the way to have a happy marriage is to not make "a happy marriage" your goal as a couple. The goal should be God's will. The goal should be to glorify God with your marriage by seeking to accomplish His will together. That will make your marriage fun, pleasurable, and awesome. God didn't bring you together just because you love each other or just because "you make each other happy." It was also because He has a specific plan in mind and certain path for the two of you to take together. 

      It's like at Christmas, when people say "Remember the real Reason for the Season!"
People have to remember the real reason and meaning of marriage: to glorify GOD, to love and cherish each other through the good and the bad; who have made a promise that will last an entire lifetime to be committed and loyal to one another, whether times are easy, pleasurable, and fun, or difficult, unpleasant, and frustrating. 

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